Minggu, 09 Desember 2012

Cara Menghilangkan Jerawat

Bagi cewek jerawat salah satu yang sangat menjengkelkan. Lalu bagaimana cara menghilangkan jerawat dengan bahan alami tanpa obat-obat an. Naah simak ulasan berikut ini :

Cara menghilangkan Jerawat Alami

1. Gunakan kulit jeruk dan lemon
    Keduanya mampu mengangkat kotoran dan residu dari kulit. Tumbuk kulit jeruk hingga halus, lalu  campurkan sedikit air hingga terbentuk seperti pasta. Terapkan pasta kulit jeruk tadi ke area wajah yang berjerawat, diamkan lebih kurang 10 menit lalu bilas.

2. Mempelkan mentimun dan tomat pada bekas jerawat
    Kandungan antioksidan mampu memberi efek menyejukkan dan menenangkan jerawat yang meradang. Parut halus mentimun, lalu tempelkan pada jerawat dan daerah yang berkomedo. Diamkan selama 15-20 menit, kemudian bilas dengan air hangat.

Sedangkan tomat memiliki kandungan vitamin A yang mampu memproduksi kolagen yang sangat bermanfaat bagi kulit.

3. Putih telur dan madu
    Putih telur dan juga madu juga dapat digunakan untuk membuang bekas jerawat di wajah. Cukup dengan mencampurkan putih telur dan madu, lalu diaduk dan dioleskan secara merata ke bekas jerawat yang ada di wajah Anda yang berjerawat.

4. Gunakan pepaya
    Caranya? Blender pepaya hingga halus, kemudian terapkan ke komedo dan jerawat yang meradang, biarkan selama 20 menit dan bilas dengan air bersih. Hasilnya, peradangan akan berkurang, serta kompleksi wajah lebih halus dan bercahaya.

(SUMBER : http://terbaru-terbaik.blogspot.com/2012/11/cara-menghilangkan-jerawat.html)

Contoh Narrative Text.

The Mirror of Matsuyama Story.

              In ancient days there lived in a remote part of Japan a man and his wife, and they were blessed with a little girl, who was the pet and idol of her parents. On one occasion the man was called away on business in distant Kyoto. Before he went he told his daughter that if she were good and dutiful to her mother he would bring her back a present she would prize very highly. Then the good man took his departure, mother and daughter watching him go.

              At last he returned to his home, and after his wife and child had taken off his large hat and sandals he sat down upon the white mats and opened a bamboo basket, watching the eager gaze of his little child. He took out a wonderful doll and a lacquer box of cakes and put them into her outstretched hands. Once more he dived into his basket, and presented his wife with a metal mirror. Its convex surface shone brightly, while upon its back there was a design of pine trees and storks.

              The good man's wife had never seen a mirror before, and on gazing into it she was under the impression that another woman looked out upon her as she gazed with growing wonder. Her husband explained the mystery and bade her take great care of the mirror.

              Not long after this happy homecoming and distribution of presents the woman became very ill. Just before she died she called to her little daughter, and said: "Dear child, when I am dead take every care of your father. You will miss me when I have left you. But take this mirror, and when you feel most lonely look into it and you will always see me." Having said these words she passed away.

              In due time the man married again, and his wife was not at all kind to her stepdaughter. But the little one, remembering her mother's words, would retire to a corner and eagerly look into the mirror, where it seemed to her that she saw her dear mother's face, not drawn in pain as she had seen it on her deathbed, but young and beautiful.

              One day this child's stepmother chanced to see her crouching in a corner over an object she could not quite see, murmuring to herself. This ignorant woman, who detested the child and believed that her stepdaughter detested her in return, fancied that this little one was performing some strange magical art--perhaps making an image and sticking pins into it. Full of these notions, the stepmother went to her husband and told him that his wicked child was doing her best to kill her by witchcraft.

              When the master of the house had listened to this extraordinary recital he went straight to his daughter's room. He took her by surprise, and immediately the girl saw him she slipped the mirror into her sleeve. For the first time her doting father grew angry, and he feared that there was, after all, truth in what his wife had told him, and he repeated her tale forthwith.

              When his daughter had heard this unjust accusation she was amazed at her father's words, and she told him that she loved him far too well ever to attempt or wish to kill his wife, who she knew was dear to him.

              "What have you hidden in your sleeve?" said her father, only half convinced and still much puzzled.

              "The mirror you gave my mother, and which she on her deathbed gave to me. Every time I look into its shining surface I see the face of my dear mother, young and beautiful. When my heart aches--and oh! it has ached so much lately--I take out the mirror, and mother's face, with sweet, kind smile, brings me peace, and helps me to bear hard words and cross looks."

              Then the man understood and loved his child the more for her filial piety. Even the girl's stepmother, when she knew what had really taken place, was ashamed and asked forgiveness. And this child, who believed she had seen her mother's face in the mirror, forgave, and trouble forever departed from the home.

Why breastfeeding is important?

Breastfeeding is not merely feed the baby, but also as a symbol of the love of a mother to produce the next generation of quality.
Requirements to implement exclusive breastfeeding, namely:

1. Just give only breast milk for up to six months
2. Breastfeeding begins 30 minutes after the baby is born
3. Do not give liquids or foods other than breast milk, the newborn
4. Breastfeeding baby needs
5. Give colostrum (milk that comes out on the first day that have a high nutritional value)
6. Other fluids may be given only vitamin, mineral drugs in the form of a drop or syrup
The benefits of exclusive breastfeeding
Breastfeeding absolute important, given the potential benefits of the baby. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) this to avoid allergies and ensure optimal infant health.
Because at this age, babies do not have a perfect digestive enzymes to digest food or other drinks.
Besides milk can reduce malnutrition, many other benefits that can be obtained, such as:

    Babies who are breastfed have better vision. Studies show that babies who are breastfed visual acuity better because in the milk contained "smart fats". Breast milk contains a type of fat that is needed to form a network of nerves in the eye and in the brain the better.
    Babies who are breastfed have better hearing. Infants who consumed infant formula more middle ear infections, and this can result in hearing problems. Even temporary hearing loss also can interfere with a child's language development.
    Babies who are breastfed have a better smile. Because breastfeeding improve jaw alignment and the development of facial muscles, children who are breastfed have fewer orthodontic problems.
    Breastfed babies breathe better. Breastfed babies have problems upper respiratory tract infections, asthma and nasal allergies (relating to the nose) fewer and lighter.
    Breast milk is easier to digest baby. Because breast milk is designed specifically for human infants, breast milk is more easily digested than formula. Milk more quickly digested in the human stomach, which makes breastfed babies will be less trouble with gastroesophagael reflux (GER), the flow repeatedly stomach fluids into the lower esophagus. GER is a usual thing, though hidden cause colic and woke up in the night with pain.
    It protects the immature intestine. Breast milk contains substances that act as a protective paint, coating the digestion of food to prevent the entry of bacteria into the bloodstream. More environmentally friendly means of breastfed infants have fewer problems with intestinal infections and diarrhea. Babies who are breastfed are also rarely suffer from food allergies, because they are shielded from contact with the outer proteins that cause intestinal lining.
    Babies who are breastfed have a healthier skin. They rarely feel the allergies, rough skin, dry skin, blotches like sandpaper as that found in a number of infants consuming infant formula.
    Breastfed babies rarely grow into adults who are obese. Breastfeeding teach about healthy eating patterns early. Babies learn to adjust the amount of food they eat with their appetites, without the need for an ordered them to spend the last 100 ml. The breast-fed infants tend to lean (only has the amount of fat that is appropriate for their weight) than their peers who drink formula.
    Babies who are breastfed are protected from many diseases. There is a link between breastfeeding with a lower occurrence of almost every type of diseases, including bacterial meningitis, urinary tract infections, and food poisoning that occurs in infants.
 FOR MOM: Breastfeeding makes the mother becomes more healthy. At least one study has shown that the rate of postpartum depression breastfeeding mothers seem lower. Other studies also suggest that breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast cancer, uterine cancer and ovarian cancer. There are also many women who feel that breastfeeding helps them lose weight after childbirth.

Kisah Sedih Si Gadis Miskin

Sudah menjadi kehendak Allah memberinya cobaan berupa penyakit kronis yang bersarang dan sudah bertahun-tahun ia rasakan. Ini adalah cerita kisah seorang gadis yang bernama Muha. Kisah ini diriwayatkan oleh zaman, diiringi dengan tangisan burung dan ratapan ranting pepohonan. Muha adalah seorang gadis remaja yang cantik. Sebagaimana yang telah kami katakan, sejak kecil ia sudah mengidap penyakit yang kronis. Sejak usia kanak-kanak ia ingin bergembira, bermain, bercanda dan bersiul seperti burung sebagaimana anak-anak yang seusianya. Bukankah ia juga berhak merasakannya?
Sejak penyakit itu menyerangnya, ia tidak dapat menjalankan kehidupan dengan normal seperti orang lain, walaupun ia tetap berada dalam pengawasan dokter dan bergantung dengan obat.
Muha tumbuh besar seiring dengan penyakit yang dideritanya. Ia menjadi seorang remaja yang cantik dan mempunyai akhlak mulia serta taat beragama. Meski dalam kondisi sakit namun ia tetap berusaha untuk mendapatkan ilmu dan pelajaran dari mata air ilmu yang tak pernah habis. Walau terkadang bahkan sering penyakit kronisnya kambuh yang memaksanya berbaring di tempat tidur selama berhari-hari.
Selang beberapa waktu atas kehendak Allah seorang pemuda tampan datang meminang, walaupun ia sudah mendengar mengenai penyakitnya yang kronis itu. Namun semua itu sedikit pun tidak mengurangi kecantikan, agama dan akhlaknya…kecuali kesehatan, meskipun kesehatan adalah satu hal yang sangat penting. Tetapi mengapa?
Bukankah ia juga berhak untuk menikah dan melahirkan anak-anak yang akan mengisi dan menyemarakkan kehidupannya sebagaimana layaknya wanita lain?
Demikianlah hari berganti hari bulan berganti bulan si pemuda memberikan bantuan materi agar si gadis meneruskan pengobatannya di salah satu rumah sakit terbaik di dunia. Terlebih lagi dorongan moril yang selalu ia berikan.
Hari berganti dengan cepat, tibalah saatnya persiapan pesta pernikahan dan untuk mengarungi bahtera rumah tangga.
Beberapa hari sebelum pesta pernikahan, calonnya pergi untuk menanyakan pengerjaan gaun pengantin yang masih berada di tempat si penjahit. Gaun tersebut masih tergantung di depan toko penjahit. Gaun tersebut mengandung makna kecantikan dan kelembutan. Tiada seorang pun yang tahu bagaimana perasaan Muha bila melihat gaun tersebut.
Pastilah hatinya berkepak bagaikan burung yang mengepakkan sayap putihnya mendekap langit dan memeluk ufuk nan luas. Ia pasti sangat bahagia bukan karena gaun itu, tetapi karena beberapa hari lagi ia akan memasuki hari yang terindah di dalam kehidupannya. Ia akan merasa ada ketenangan jiwa, kehidupan mulai tertawa untuknya dan ia melihat adanya kecerahan dalam kehidupan.
Bila gaun yang indah itu dipakai Muha, pasti akan membuat penampilannya laksana putri salju yang cantik jelita. Kecantikannya yang alami menjadikan diri semakin elok, anggun dan menawan.
Walau gaun tersebut terlihat indah, namun masih di perlukan sedikit perbaikan. Oleh karena itu gaun itu masih ditinggal di tempat si penjahit. Sang calon berniat akan mengambilnya besok. Si penjahit meminta keringanan dan berjanji akan menyelesaikannya tiga hari lagi. Tiga hari berlalu begitu cepat dan tibalah saatnya hari pernikahan, hari yang di nanti-nanti. Hari itu Muha bangun lebih cepat dan sebenarnya malam itu ia tidak tidur. Kegembiraan membuat matanya tak terpejam. Yaitu saat malam pengantin bersama seorang pemuda yang terbaik akhlaknya.
Si pemuda menelepon calon pengantinnya, Muha memberitahukan bahwa setengah jam lagi ia akan pergi ke tempat penjahit untuk mengambil gaun tersebut agar ia dapat mencobanya dan lebih meyakinkan bahwa gaun itu pantas untuknya. Pemuda itu pergi ke tempat penjahit dan mengemudikan mobilnya dengan kecepatan tinggi terdorong perasaan bahagia dan gembira akan acara tersebut yang merupakan peristiwa terpenting dan paling berharga bagi dirinya, demikian juga halnya bagi diri Muha.
Karena meluncur dengan kecepatan tinggi, mobil tersebut keluar dari badan jalan dan terbalik berkali-kali. Setelah itu mobil ambulans datang dan melarikannya ke rumah sakit. Namun kehendak Allah berada di atas segalanya, beberapa saat kemudian si pemuda pun meninggal dunia. Sementara telepon si penjahit berdering menanyakan tentang pemuda itu. Si penjahit mengabarkan bahwa sampai sekarang ia belum juga sampai ke rumah padahal sudah sangat terlambat.
Akhirnyai penjahit itu tiba di rumah calon pengantin wanita. Sekali pun begitu, pihak keluarga tidak mempermasalahkan sebab keterlambatannya membawa gaun itu. Mereka malah memintanya agar memberitahu si pemuda bahwa sakit Muha tiba-tiba kambuh dan sekarang sedang dilarikan ke rumah sakit. Kali ini sakitnya tidak memberi Muha banyak kesempatan. Tadinya sakit tersebut seakan masih berbelas kasih kepadanya, tidak ingin Muha merasa sakit. Sekarang rasa sakit itu benar-benar membuat derita dan kesengsaraan yang melebihi penderitaan yang ia rasakan sepanjang hidupnya yang pendek.
Beberapa menit kemudian datang berita kematian si pemuda di rumah sakit dan setelah itu datang pula berita meninggalnya sang calon pengantinnya, Muha.
Demikian kesedihan yang menimpa dua remaja, bunga-bunga telah layu dan mati, burung-burung berkicau sedih dan duka terhadap mereka. Malam yang diangan-angankan akan menjadi paling indah dan berkesan itu, berubah menjadi malam kesedihan dan ratapan, malam pupusnya kegembiraan.
Kini gaun pengantin itu masih tergantung di depan toko penjahit. Tiada yang memakai dan selamanya tidak akan ada yang memakainya. Seakan gaun itu bercerita tentang kisah sedih Muha. Setiap yang melihatnya pasti akan bertanya-tanya, siapa pemiliknya.?
(SUMBER: Serial Kisah Teladan, Muhammad bin Shalih al-Qahthani, seperti dinukilnya dari Mausu’ah al-Qishshash al-Waqi’iyyah dengan perubahan semestinya, Penerbit DARUL HAQ, telp.021-4701616)